The McAlpine's Prince Edward Island Directory 1880 - 1881

From the Collection of Donna Johnston Collings

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McAlpine's Directory was a small directory of businessmen in Prince Edward Island, published in 1880 - 1881, with listings by town or geographic region. Transcribed by
Dave Hunter,

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Abram's Village (Prince County)
Arsenault, Joseph - blacksmith
Arsenault, S.O. - gen'l dealer
Gallant, S.A. - gen'l dealer
McNally, James - saw mill
Trudelle, W.C. - gen'l dealer
Alberry Plains (Kings County)
Bradley, M. - hotel
Lane, Edwin - gen'l dealer
Alberton (Prince County)
Beairsto, J. - physycian
Beers, A.H. - physician
Bell, J. - prop. Allison Terrace Hotel
Bell, Robt. - general dealer
Birch, J.E. - agt agricultural impl'mts
Birke, Edward - tanner and shoemaker
Cunningham, Patrick - blacksmith
Durant, Wm. - photographer
Dyer, W.B. - druggist
Fielding, J.P. - harness maker
Garin, Peter - lobster factory
Green, Geo. - tannery
Hunter, David - carriage maker
Ireland, E.I. - pro Canada House
Larkin, John - carriage builder and mills
Leard, Archibald - carpenter
Leard, Geo. M. - shoemaker
Lefurgey & Weeks - gen'l dealers
Leonard, Jos. - blacksmith
McDonald, John H. - tanner
McGregor & McPhee, misses - dressmakers
McKinnon, Robert - shoemaker
McLeod, A. - gen'l dealer
McNeil, Wm. - books
McRae, Chas. W. - carpenter
Millman, John T. ----------
Montgomery, G. E. - trader
Parkman E. - watchmaker
Ramsay, Malcolm - carpenter
Reddin, Bernard D. - liquors
Reid, John A. - merchant, tailor
Reid, R. B. - gen'l dealer
Reid, W.P. - gen'l dealer
Rogers, B. & Co. - gen'l dealers
Sherlock, Albert - shoemaker
Smallman, Jane - dressmaker
Smith, P.J. - carriage maker
Stewart, Geo - blacksmith
Tuplin, R. - pro Tuplin House
Wiggins J.G. - saw & grist mills
Wisner, Mrs. M. - pro Beers House
White, John D. - liquors
White, Robt K. - tinsmith
Woolner, John A. - blacksmith
Anandale (Kings County)
Johnson, J. - gen'l dealer
McAuley, Mrs. J. - hotel
McDonald, C. - gen'l dealer
Nicholis, John - mills
Augustin Cove (Prince County)
McFadgen, Neill - gen'l dealer
McQuarrie, R. - blacksmith
Thomas, Robt. - boot & shoemaker
Baldwins (Kings County)
Goodwin, P. - blacksmith
Kelly, Frank - carriage builder
McKinnon, Peter - saw mills
McQuaid, D. - gen'l dealer
Smith, J. - gen'l dealer
Bear River (Kings County)

Costellow, Dennis - hotel

Bedeque (Prince County)

Bowness, John - harness maker
Henderson, R. - physician
Leard, Samuel - blacksmith
McCollum, John - builder
McLean, D.A. - shoemaker
McLeod, M. - merchant tailor
Noonan, D. - hotel
Schurman, Peter - tanner
Stewart, J.D. - carriage builder
Sutherland, J. - physician
Wright & Craig - gen'l dealers
Wright, M. - gen'l dealer
Belfast (Queens County)
Dickson, Alex - saw mills
Dickson, J. - gen'l dealer
Martin, M. - blacksmith
McDonald, Findlay - cloth mills
McKenzie, R.K. - gen'l dealer
McLarren, Daniel - gen'l dealer
McLeod, D. - gen'l dealer
Moore, J. gen'l dealer & lobster fact'y
Mutch, W. - gen'l dealer
Morrison, R.R. - harness maker
Biddeford (Prince County)
Gorell, Edward - trader
Richards, Wm. - shipbuilder
Big Cape (Queens County)

McCormack, Angus - gen'l dealer

Big Pond (Kings County)

McDonald, Alex J. - gen'l dealer

Big Run (Kings County)

McMullin, Peter - boot and shoemaker
Taylor, Thomas - blacksmith
Black Bush (Kings County)

McDonald, H. - liquors

Bluesbank (Prince County)

Johnson, John - woolen factory

Bonshaw (Queens County)

Crosby, A.C. - grist mill
Robertson Alex. - gen'l dealer
Rogerson, Robt. - blacksmith
Bothwell (Kings County)
Gough, Wm.L. - gen'l dealer
McVane, Jos. - gen'l dealer & grist mill
Brae (Prince County)
Bearton, J. - hotel
Hart, S. - gen'l dealer
McKinnnon Bros. - merchants & mills
Martin & Campbell - saw mill
Breadalbane (Queens County)
Kennedy, Samuel - trader
Matheson, M. - gen'l dealer
Matheson M.S. - shoemaker
McLure, D. - gen'l dealer
McDonald, D. - hotel
Nicholson, Samuel - tailor
Bridgetown (Kings County)

(See Dundas)

Brown's Creek (Kings County)

McDonald, John - boot and shoemaker
McLean, Alex. - gen'l dealer
Martin, G. - gen'l dealer
Matheson, R. - boot and shoemaker
Brudenell River (Kings County)

McLaren, Peter - saw mills

Bryan's Cross (Queens County)

Murphy, Daniel - hotel
Bull Creek (Kings County)

McIsaac, James - gen'l dealer

Burlington (Prince County)

Adams, J. - grist mill
Evans, James - carriage manuf'r
Forrestall, John - gen'l dealer
Ramsey, Edwd. - grist mill
Caledonia (Queens County)

McDonald, John - gen'l dealer

Campbelltown (Prince County)

Matheson, John A. - gen'l dealer
Matheson, Walter - gen'l dealer
Thompson, David - gen'l dealer
Cape Traverse (Prince County)
Doull, Charles - shoemaker
Morrison, Donald - gen'l dealer
Muttart, John L. - gen'l dealer
Newsome, Wm. - blacksmith
Peake, T.A. - shoemaker
Straugh ___ - gen'l dealer
Cape Wolfe (Prince County)
Dunville, James - gen'l dealer
Kinty, Samuel - gen'l dealer
McWilliams, Alfred - trader
McWilliams, D. - trader
Ramsay, Arthur A. - saw & grist mills
Ramsay, D. - gen'l dealer
Rogers, D. - blacksmith
Cardigan Bridge (Kings County)
Allan, Chas. - saw mill
Beaton, Donald - sawmill
Beer & Son. - gen'l dealers
Campbell, J. Jr. - hotel
Connolly, O. & Co. - gen'l dealers
Ferguson, Wm. - saw mill
Gallant, Isadore - physician
McKeown, Jane - boarding house
McLeod, Norman - tailor
Morgan, J. - grocer
Rylands, Alex. - saw mill
Scrimgeour, John - saw mill
Sigsworth, D. - gen'l dealer
Smith, Jas. - blacksmith
Stephens, W. - wheelwright
Stephenson, John - carriage builder
Cardigan Wharf (Kings County)

Dalton, Y. & P. - liquors and fish dealers

Carleton (Prince County)

Morrison, Donald - tanner and trader

Cavendish Road (Queens County)

Laird, Jas. - gen'l dealer

Charlottetown (Queens County)

(to be added later)

Cherry Hill (Kings County)

Douglass, W.H. - grist mill
Douglass, W.R. - cattle dealer
Clifton (Queens County)
Large, J.W. - carriage manuf'r
McIntyre & Co. - gen'l dealers
McKay, John G. - physician
McKay, W. - gen'l dealer
Tuplin, Reuben - gen'l dealer
Clyde River (Queens County)
Crabbe, E.J. - gen'l dealer
Crabbe, G. - saw mill
Conway (Prince County)

Trousdale, Wm. - saw mill

Cornwall (Queens County)

Hyde, John - grist mill
Petrick, Geo. - hotel
County Line (Queens & Prince County)
Buchanan, Jas.B. - blacksmith
Hall, T.B. - gen'l dealer
Hughes, John - hotel
McNeil & Goodwin - carriage builders
Ready, James - liquors
Wall, J. - physician
Cove Head (Queens County)
Auld, D. - gen'l dealer
Auld, James - sawmill
Cove Head Road (Queens County)

Ready, James - liquors

Crapaud (Queens County)

Best, Joy - carpenter
Boyle, Arthur - blacksmith
Boyle, Richard - shoemaker
Bradford & Howatt - saw mills
Brine, Angus - trader
Cameron, J. - hotel
Canfield, Thomas - carpenter
Collott, Anthony - saw mills
Cooke, J.P. - gen'l dealer
Doull, John - shoemaker
French, Lloyd - carpenter
French, Samuel - carpenter
Furguson, Alfred - tanner
Gamble, James - carpenter
Hood, Warren - tinsmith
Howatt G. - gen'l dealer
Howatt W.S. - gen'l dealer
Hudson, G. - furniture
Johnstone, J. - hotel
Leard, Geo. - grist mill
McDonald, John H. - tailor
McDonald, P. - harness maker
McDonald, Robert - blacksmith
McDonald, Ewan - blacksmith
McLeod, John J. - tailor
McNeill, J. - shoemaker
McQuarrie, Alex - blacksmith
McQuarrie, David - shoemaker
Newson, Peter - harness maker
Newson & Wadman - harness makers
Palmer, D.W. - trader
Patrick W. - gen'l dealer
Penpraise, Neil - shoemaker
Reid, Wm., - carriage builder
Robinson, H.W. - physician [sic should read Robertson]
Rodgerson, Wm. - carpenter
Sturdy, J. - trader
Sturdy, John - grist mills
Treamin, L. - physician
Trowsdale, Thos. - trader
Villott, G. - blacksmith
Wadman, Artemas - carpenter
Wadman H. & Sons - gen'l dealers
Wallace, Worth - carpenter
Cross Rivers (Prince County)
McDonald, Alex. - gen'l dealer
O'Connor, John - gen'l dealer
Pertis, Henry - grist mill
Cumberland Hill (Kings County)

Nicholson, Daniel - merchant tailor

Darnley (Prince County)

Breen, John - blacksmith

De Sable (Queens County)

Currie, John - blacksmith
McKenna, Frank - gen'l dealer
Dundas (Kings County)
Burdett, R. - gen'l dealer
McDonald, S. - gen'l dealer
McDougal, John - ship builder
McKenzie, G. - trader
Morson, Richard - mills
Vickerson, L. - gen'l dealer
Dunstaffinage (Queens County)
McLeod, Henry M. - gen'l dealer
Stewart, James - gen'l dealer
East Point (Kings County)
McDonald, L. - gen'l dealer
Rose, T&S - gen'l dealers
East Royalty (Queens County)

Wright, B.E. - flour & carding mills

Egmont Bay (Prince County)

Arsenault, Joseph O. - gen'l dealer
Trudelle, W.E. - gen'l dealer
Eldon (Queens County)

(See Belfast)

Ellerslie Station (Prince County)

Barklay, James - saw mill

Elliott's Station (Queens County)

Elliott, Jas. R. & Son - saw & grist mill
Elliott, Rich'd - gen'l dealer
Elmsdale (Prince County)
McLeod, Geo - blacksmith
Bennie, L. - gen'l dealer
Wallace, Wm. - saw mills
Enmore River (Prince County)

Bollum, Geo. - shipbuilder

Farmington (Kings County)

Robertson, Geo. - boots and shoes

Flat River (Queens County)

McKenzie, J.D. - grist mill
McKenzie, R. - gen'l dealer
McLaren, D. - gen'l dealer
Ross, D. - gen'l dealer
Fort Augustus (Queens County)

(See Hickey's Wharf)

Fort Augustus Cove (Queens County)

Clarke, George - grist mill and trader

Fortune Bridge (Kings County)

McInnis, Alex - shipbuilder
McInnis, Daniel - shipbuilder
McKay, John F. - shipbuilder
Fredericton (Queens County)

Crabbe, Jas. - blacksmith

Freetown (Prince County)

Erving, John - blacksmith
Ledstone, F. - tailor
French River (Queens County)

MacLeod, John A. - gen'l dealer

Gasperaux (Queens County)

McLure, Gavin - gen'l dealer

Georgetown (Kings County)

Aitken, Chas. - gen'l dealer
Aitken, G.A. - clerk, co. court
Bank Merchants - H.C. McLeod, mgr
Burke, J. - gen'l dealer
Cameron, T. - tailor
Cherry, Wm. - tailor
Cogswell, J.N. - tannery
Cripps, Chas. - shoemaker
Croucher, S. - pro Commercial Hotel
Cultin, James - foundry
Easton, J. & Son - gen'l dealers
Fairchild, Joseph - ship builder
Glover, Andrew - gen'l dealer
Gordon, Daniel - gen'l dealer
Grant, D.C. - pro Albion House
Haggart, J. - carriage builder
Henry, Thos. - sailmaker
Hession, M. - gen'l dealer
Hobbs, Arthur P. - victualler
Hooper, John - harnessmaker
Jenkins, R.R. - baker & grocer
Kaye, David - phsycian
Kennedy, Dan'l F. - tinsmith
Knight, J. - druggist
Le Brocy, John - shipbuilder
Ledwell, Thos. - pro Revere House
Levers, John - builder
McConnell, W. - dry goods
McCormack, Duncan G. - tailor
McCourt, P. - Ed & Pro Kings Co. Advisor
McDonald, A.A. & Bros. - gen'l dealers, shipowners
McDonald & Westaway - gen'l dealers
McDonald, Mrs. M. - hotel
McDonald, Wm. - builder
McEachern, Hugh - Victoria Hotel
McKean, Elizabeth - confectioner
McLean, A. - grocer
McLeod, H.C. - agent Mer. Bank, PEI BR.
McLeod, W. - cooper
McPhail, Angus - blockmaker
Morrison, P. - Tailor
Munroe, E. - gen'l dealer
Ranton, Alex - builder
Ranton, John - carpenter
Rutherford & Co. - foundry
Sencabaugh, W. - shipowner, trader
Smith, John - blacksmith
Smith, John - gen'l dealer
Stewart, John M. - shipowner
Walker, Alex. - harness maker
Weatherby, E. - blacksmith
Weatherby, John - carpenter
Wickwire, Ezra - Tanner
Georgetown Road (Kings County)

Lane, Edward - gen'l dealer

Goose River (Kings County)

Glenfinlas, G. - grist mill

Graham's Road (Kings County)

Campbell, James - gen'l dealer
Smith, Alex. - grist mill
Granville (Queens County)
Henry, Edward - grist mill
McKay, R. - physician
Morris, Geo. - shipbuilder
Morris, Joseph - grist mill
Hampton (Queens County)
Beer, Geo. - tanner
Beer, Wm. - saw and grist mill
Farrow, Daniel - carriage manuf'r
Harmony (Kings County)
McInniss, Peter - saw mill
McVarish, Hugh - saw mill
Hazel Grove (Prince County)
Bagnell, John S. - saw mill
Bagnell, R. - hotel
Crabbe, Edwd & Sons - liquors
McDonald, John - Carriage Manuf'r
McKay, J.G. - physician
Hickey's Wharf (Queens County)
Camnuskey, J.H. - gen'l dealer
McNally, P. - gen'l dealer
McMillan, John - trader
Smith, James - trader
Hope River (Queens County)
Harringhton, M. - taylor
McNeil, W. - tanner
Simpson, Robt. - grist mill
Stewart, J. - gen'l dealer
Hunter River (Queens County)
Bagnal, J. - hotel
McDonald, John - carriage builder
McGrath, P. - grocer and PO
McLeod, Geo. - shoemaker
McLeod, T. - merchant tailor
Patterson, James - saw mills
Proctor, Wm. - blacksmith
Indian River (Prince County)
Kelly, Thos. - carriage manuf'r
McKinnon, P. - blacksmith
Noonan, Patrick - liquors
Inverness (Prince County)
Kinley, Robt. - saw mill
McDonald, M. - hotel
McFadgen, A. - shipbuilder
Irishtown (Queens County)
Forestal, John - gen'l dealer
O'Halleron, Mattias - blacksmith
Kelly's Cross (Queens County)

Bradley, John - gen'l dealer

Kensington (Prince County)

Bentley, Goe. W. (MP) - general dealer
Burke, J. - com merchant
Darrach, Donald - physician
Glover, W. - postmaster
Grady, Alex. - pro Eueka House
Johnson, R.T. - carpenter
Larkins, Thomas W. - shoemaker
Leslie, H.A. - pro Scotia House
McLeod, H. - merchant tailor
McMillan, Stephen - victualler
McNutt, Peter S. - agent agric. implements
Moase, Robert T. - harness maker
Noonan, J. - taylor
O'Connor, H. - pro Exselsior House
Phelan, A.J. - tailor
Pond, Mark - harness maker
Proctor, E. - blacksmith
Sims, T.H. & Son - gen'l dealers
Tuplin, R. - gen'l dealer
Kildare (Prince County)

Bennett & Blizard - fish preservers

Kinross (Queens County)

McLeod, Daniel J. - gen'l dealer

Linkletter Road (Prince County)

Murray, Robt - boot & shoemaker

Little Harbour (Kings County)

Anderson, John - grist mill

Little Sands (Queens County)

Dickson, Geo. - grist mill
Dickson, Robt. - grist mill
Long Creek (Queens County)
Curry, Neil - gen'l dealer
Farquharson & Co. - gen'l dealers
McNevin, N. - gen'l dealer
Long River (Prince County)
Johnstone, W. - gen'l dealer
Magie, Jas. - gen'l dealer
Long River (Queens County)
Anderson, George - auctioneer
Johnson, David - mills
Johnson, W. - gen'l dealer
McLeod, Wm. - blacksmith
Lot Three (Prince County)

Hammell, James - gen'l dealer

Lot Six (Queens County)

Carroll, Geo. - shipbuilder

Lot Eleven (Prince County)

Brown, Bernard - liquors
Kilbride, M. - gen'l dealer
Lot Fourteen (Prince County)

O'Connor, George - trader

Lot Thirty - Four (Queens County)

Crosby, Isaac - saw mills
Lane, Edward - blacksmith
Seaman, George - blacksmith
Thompson, Isaac - saw mills
Lot Fourty - Five (Kings County)

McCormick, Angus. - gen'l dealer

Lot Forty - Eight (Queens County)

Bovyer, Robt. - saw mills
Cardiff, John - brick yard
Cardiff, Thomas - brick yard
Flood, P & M - brick yard
Forbes, John - saw mills
Kennedy, W. C. - brick yard
Knox, J. - physician
McEachern, Donald - blacksmith
McKenzie, Henry - blacksmith
McKenzie, David - blacksmith
McLeod, David - blacksmith
Stewart, Neil - brick yard
Wood, John - wheelwright
Lot Fourty - Nine (Queens County)
Campbell, F. - gen'l dealer
Hennessey, Patrick - blacksmith
Jordan, Joseph - carriage builder
Jordan, Matthew - carriage builder
Jordan, Samuel - blacksmith
McIntosh, J. - physician
Moore, J.B. - gen'l dealer
Smith, R. - gen'l dealer
Weatherby, Johnathan - shoemaker
Lot Sixty - Five (Queens County)

Murphy, Nicholas - gen'l dealer

Lower Milton (Queens County)

Curtis, O. - liquors
Curtis, Owen - land surveyor
Loyalist Road (Queens County)

Sententen, J. - saw mills

Malpeque or Princetown (Prince County)

Beairsto, B. - North Shore Hotel
Beairsto, James - grist mill
Crozier, John - blacksmith
Kier, Wm - physycian
Hodson, W.M. - gen'l dealer
MacNutt, D&P - gen'l dealers
Peake, J.V. - blacksmith
Margate (Prince County)
Adams, John - grist mill
Pound, W. - carriage maker
Pridham, Wm. - saw mill
Tuplin, Mrs. John - saw mills
Wigginton, G. - gen'l Dealer
Marie (Kings County)
Jardine, J. - physician
Scully, Wm. - blacksmith
Webster, Edward - grist mill
Marshfield (Queens County)
Ferguson, John - gen'l dealer
McLeod, John S. - tanner
McPhee Corner (Queens County)
Seller, John - gen'l dealer
Warren, Geo. - blacksmith
Warren, James - grist mill
Millview (Queens County)
Burke & Co. - woolen manf'rs
McKenzie Bros. - gen'l dealers
Milton (Queens County)
Crabbe, Thos. - saw mills
Moore, D. - saw mills
Miscouche (Prince County)
Cunningham, J. - blacksmith & hotel
DeRoche, Gilvan - gen'l dealer
Gillis, John - flour merchant
Linkletter, John - saw mills
Monoghan (Queens County)
Murray, Benj. - blacksmith
Wisener, Jas. - grist mill
Montague (Kings County)
Atkinson, Jas. M. - harness maker
Bank Union, M.J. Fitzgerald - mgr
Beer & Sons - gen'l dealers
Bell, J.D. - furniture dealer
Campbell, J. - pro Montague House
Coughlan, Wm. - photographer
Connolly, O. & Co. - gen'l dealers
Dewer, John T. - trader
Emery, Pricilla - boarding house
Finlay, Wm. - cabinet maker
Fitzgerald, M.J. - mgr Union Bank, PEI branch
Forbes, Alex. - gen'l dealer
Fraser, Chas. B. & Co. - carriage makers
Gaul, P. - hotel
Gillis, James - blacksmith
Jenkins, Wallace - bakery
Johnstone, Mrs. - boarding home
Lamont, Malcolm - shoemaker
McCollum, J.A. - druggist
McDonald Bros. - gen'l dealers
McDonald, Duncan - gen'l dealer
McDonald, John J. - liquors
McRae, D. - shoemaker
McKinnon, John L. - pub. Pioneer
McLaren, A. - ship owner
McLean, John - carriage builder
McLean, Loughan - tailor
McLeod, Donald - tannery
McPherson, M. - tailor
Peters, Geo. E. - gen'l dealer
Poole, C.D. - gen'l dealer
Robertson, J. - physician
Rourke, Jas. N. - mason
VanIderstein, W.T. - pro Union House
Vickerson, John - tanner
White, Wm. - shipbuilder
Wightman, G. - gen'l dealer
Monticello (Kings County)
Chisson, Thos. - gen'l dealer
Handrahan, Wm. - liquors
McDonald, John - grist mill
Montrose (Kings County)
Clarke, Geo. M. - grist mill
Gordon, John - grist mill
Montgomery, D. - gen'l dealer
Ramsey, J. & Co. - carriage manuf'r
Morrell (Kings County)
Cox, F. - druggist
Cox, R. - gen'l dealer
Duff, Wm. - blacksmith
Hayden, Wm. - shipbuilder
Jardine, J. - physician
Sterns, W. - gen'l dealer
Webster, W.H. - trader
Welsh, M. - merchant tailor
Mount Mary (Kings County)

Ross, Alex - gen'l dealer

Mount Stewart (Queens County)

Bassett, John - wheelright & painter
Bourke, J.R. - gen'l dealer
Brine, John F. - physician
Campbell, Ezra - plasterer
Cartmill, John - variety
Clarke, J.E. - gen'l dealer
Clarke, S.C. - gen'l dealer
Clarke, W.E. - hotel
Cowan, T.W. - shoemaker
Doyle, Patrick - painter
Doyle, Wm. - saw mills
Duff, A. - gen'l dealer, blacksmith
Dunne, Thomas - cooper
Egan, D. - gen'l dealer
Fletcher, John - hardware
Gallaghan, James - shipbuilder
Gloner & Coffin - shipbuilders
Hooper, Stephen B. - harness maker
Hughes, James F. - shoemaker
Inches, C. - physician
McDonald, J.J. - tailor
McIntyre, John - blacksmith
McQuaid, James H. - carriage builder
Newberry Bros. - gen'l dealers
Phelan, Patrick - saloon
Ross, J. - Gen'l dealer
Sterns, Henry - carriage builder
Taylor, Thomas T. - cloth mills
Vickerson, W.A. - tannery
Walsh, J. - physician
Muddy Creek (Prince County)

Dickie, Chas. R. - gen'l dealer

Murray Harbour (Kings County)

Clements, W. - gen'l dealer & lobster
Clow, J. - gen'l dealer
McClure Bros. - shipbuilders
McFadyen, M. - gen'l dealer & lobster fact'y
McInnis, A.J. & Co. - gen'l dealers
McLeod, Peter - tanner
Prouse S. - gen'l dealer
Murray River (Kings County)
Martin, Donald - gen'l dealer
McClare Bros. - grist mill
McInnis & Co. - gen'l dealers
New Annan (Prince County)

Tuplin, Jas. - carriage manuf'r

New Glasgow Bridge (Queens County)

Bagnall, Wm. - grist mill
Bimms, J. - gen'l dealer
Bradshaw, H. - physician
Gregor, Angus - carriage builder
Honeywell, W. - physician
Houston, Geo. - blacksmith
Laird, J. - grist, saw mills, gen'l dlr
McCoulrey, W. - harness maker
McInnis, John - tailor
McKay, J. - shoemaker
McLeod, John - tailor
Racken, Geo, hotel
New Haven (Queens County)

McMillan, Hugh - gen'l dealer

New London (Queens County)

Adams, John - grist mill
Anderson, Geo. - auctioneer
Garrett, G.R. - gen'l dealer
Johnson, David - grist mills
Johnson, Wm. - grist mills
McMillan & Brown - gen'l dealers
McNeil, R. - physician
New Perth (Kings County)
Curran, James - blacksmith
Lane, Edward - gen'l dealer
McLarren Bros. - saw mills
McLarren, P. - physician
Newton (Queens County)
Gill, Richard - grist mill
Gillies, Donald - tailor
Robertson, E. - gen'l dealer
North Lake (Kings County)
McDonald, Allan - boot and shoe manuf'r
McInnis, Patrick - blacksmith
Reo, Peter - grist mill
Rose, T. - gen'l dealer
North Tryon (Prince County)
Crawford, R., gen'l dealer
Potts, Robt. - physician
Reid, A. - gen'l dealer
Reid, John D. - woolen mills
O'Leary's Road (Prince County)
Ellis, J. - gen'l dealer
McCollum, D. - gen'l dealer
McWilliams, A. - gen'l dealers
Ramsay, D. - gen'l dealer
Orwell and Cove (Queens County)
Bruce, Wm. - tanner
Burke, Edward - shoemaker
Clarke, D.E. - gen'l dealer
Drueling, Win. - shoemaker
Gill, Richard - saw and grist mill
Gillis, Wm. - grist mill
Grant, J.M. gen'l dealer
Jenkins & McPherson - cabinet makers
Lemout, M. - carriage builder
McLeod, D. - gen'l dealer
McLeod, N. - gen'l dealer
McPherson, Geo. - blacksmith
Morriscey, Edward - shoemaker
Murchison, A. - blacksmith
Murchison, Peter - tanner
Musick, Peter - blacksmith
Nicholson, Chas. - blacksmith
Nicholson, Donald - tanner
Ross, D. - gen'l dealer
Stephens, Mrs. Mary - gen'l dealer
Oyster Bed Bridge (Queens County)

McKay, Donald - gen'l dealer

Park Corner (Queens County)

McKee, Jas. - gen'l dealer
McKenzie, Geo - gen'l dealer
Peake's Station (Kings County)
Fletcher, J.J. - gen'l dealer
Hendrigan, John - blacksmith
McDonald, A. - trader
Peter's Road (Kings County)
Jenkins, E. - saw mill
McDonald, John - builder
McLean, James - blacksmith
Peterville (Kings County)

Chisson, Thos. D. - gen'l dealer

Pinette (Queens County)

Dickson, Alex. - grist mill
McKay, Geo. - blacksmith
McLeod, D. - gen'l dealer
Morse, J.S. - gen'l dealer
Pisquid (Queens County)
Gillis, Angus - gen'l dealer
McDonald, James - blacksmith
Pleasant Valley (Queens County)
Corbett, K. - grist mill
Mumford, John - hotel
Portage (Queens County)
Fraser, James T. - gen'l dealer
Martin, M. - gen'l dealer
Port Hill and Ellerslie (Prince County)
Barklay, J. - gen'l dealer and mills
Boyne, J.K. - cabinet makers
Brine, J.F. - physician
Ellis, J. - hotel
Follard, Henry - blacksmith
Forbes & Cole - gen'l dealers
McCallum, Duncan - gen'l dealer
Murphy, T. - hotel
Richards, J. - gen'l dealer
Richards, John - shipbuilder
Richards, Wm - shipbuilder
Yeo, James - M.P., saw mills
Yeo, John - M.P., shipbuilder
Pounal [Pownal] (Queens County)
Acorn, Wm., grist and saw mill
Campbell, F.H. - gen'l dealer
Clow, R. - harness maker
Gay, J.J. - gen'l dealer
Jardine, Jas. A. - carriage maker
Moore, Jas. R. - gen'l dealer
Smith, R. - gen'l dealer
Princetown (Prince County)

(See Malpeque)

Red Point (Kings County)

Bruce, A.W. - gen'l dealer
Chapman, Simon - liquors
Robertson, Duncan - gen'l dealer
Rollo Bay (Kings County)
Campbell, A, - gen'l dealer
Chiasson, A. - gen'l dealer
Francis, John - carriage builder
Gillis, M. - woolen mills
Keefe, James - shipbuilder
McDougall, A. - hotel
Royalty Station (Queens County)

Wright, Benj. - saw mill

Rustico (Queens County)

Baker & Co. - fish dealers
Buote, D. - fish dealer
Churchill, H.M. - fishing supplies
Craswell, Cyrns - carriage builder
Craswell, Robt. - blacksmith
Fairclough, John - carriage manuf'r
Gallant, E. - blacksmith
Gallant, Gilbert - shoemaker
Gallant, James - blacksmith
Gallant, J. - gen'l dealer
Gallant, Maurice - shoemaker
Gallant, Nicholis - tailor
Hughes, John - blacksmith
McKay, D. - gen'l dealer
McNeil, W.H. - gen'l dealer
Newson, John & Co. - props Seaside Hotel
Pino, Joseph - tailor
Poes, Daniel - fish dealer
Rottenburg, W. - gen'l dealer
Saint Andrews (Kings County)
Forrest & Co. - lobster factory
McDonald, Allen - gen'l dealer
Wightman, Joseph, trader
Saint Andrews (Queens County)
Casey, John - hotel
Clark, Samuel - grist mill
St. Elanor's [Eleanor's] (Prince County)
Cannon, T.C. - gen'l dealer
Compton, C. - gen'l dealer
Ellison, Geo. - hotel
Fraser, J. - ornggist ???
Gay, George - boot & shoemaker
Holland, A.E. - tinsmith
Lockhart, Wm. - carriage manuf'f
McDonald, Robt. - tanner
McKinnon, James - blacksmith
Porter, James - tanner
Reid, James - boot and shoemaker
Reid, W. - gen'l dealer
Shaw, J. - carriage maker
St. Peter's Bay (Kings County)
Anderson, L. - gen'l dealer
Beer & Sons - gen'l dealers
Bulger, Simon - tanner
Doyle, Lawrance - blacksmith
Fraser, J.W. - physician
Larkins, John - stove and hotel
Lewis, A. - gen'l dealer
McAuley, Angus - postmaster
McDonald, A. - gen'l dealer
McDonald, Donald - tailor
McEwan, W. & Co. - gen'l dealers
McInnis, Murdoch - tailor
McLean, John A. - shipowner
Simmons, John - blacksmith
Sullivan, J.P. - gen'l dealer
Webster, John - saw and grist mill
St. Peter's Road (Queens County)

Robertson, Wm. B. - gen'l dealer

Selkirk Station (Kings County)

McCormack, Angus - gen'l dealer

Skinner's Pond (Prince County)

Caie, Thos. - fish dealer

Somerset (Prince County)

Kelly, James - carriage manuf'r
Walsh, J.R. - merchant tailor and P.O.
Souris (Kings County)
Anderson, Chas. - variety
Anderson, Chas. D. - cabinet maker
Burdett, R. - gen'l dealer
Campbell, S.P. - shoemaker
Campbell, Wm. - blacksmith
Campion, John F. - trader
Carlton, Caleb C. - gen'l dealer
Connolly, O & Co. - gen'l dealers
Connolly, O & Co. - Agt Mer Bnk Halifax Branch
Donovan, James - liquors
Dunphy, James - harness maker
Ford, E.P. - physician
Francis, Geo. - harness maker
Fuller & Co. - fish dealers
Fuller, E.G. - hotel
Gregory and Foley, gen'l dealers
Haley, C.J. - lobster packer
Harps, J.B. - boot and shoemaker
Keays, John - tavern
Kickham Bros. - gen'l dealers
Kickham, John - blacksmith
Leman, Levi - blacksmith
Mallally, M. - gen'l dealer
Matthew, McLean & Co. - gen'l dealers
McDonald, Alex. R. - blacksmith
McDonald, James - Bay View Hotel
McDonald, McDonald and Co. - gen'l dlr
McDonald, R. -off. assignee, Kings Co.
McDonald, S.H. - pro Royal Lake Hotel
McInnis, James - blacksmith
McInnis, Joseph - Blacksmith
McIntyre, P.A. - physician
McLean, J.R. - auctioneer
McKinnon, John - boot & shoemaker
McLaughlin, James - gen'l dealer
McLellan, John - shoemaker
McLauchlin, J. - gen'l dealer
McQuaid, James - tailor
McQuaid, Mrs. C. - gen'l dealer
Moore & MacDonald - cabinet makers
Moynagh, James - coll. customs
Muttart, E. - physician
Paquet & Cantwell - blacksmiths
Paquet, M. - hairdresser & billiard
Seaman, Richard - shoemaker
Sheverie, Timothy - carriage builder
Sterns, J.G. - gen'l dealer
Stewart, Peter - carriage builder
Stone, W. - grocer & liquors
Sutherland, David - druggist
Sutherland, Henry - carriage manuf'r
Walker, J.M. - gen'l dealer
Souris Road (Kings County)

McInnis, P.B. - grist mill

South Port (Queens County)

Aylward, John - shipowner
Beer, H. - gen'l dealer
Boryer, H. - gen'l dealer
Farquharson, W.H. - gen'l dealer
Hamm, Alan - blacksmith
Kennedy, Jas. W. - gen'l dealer
McInnis, John - carpenter
McLeod, Wm. - tanner
Munn, A. - pro Union Hotel
Murphy, James - grocer
Murphy, Mrs. M. - prop Southport House
Stewart, J.B. - brick manuf'r
Stewart, J.W. - tannery
Turner, I. - carriage builder
Walker, Chas, - blacksmith
Wood, J. - pro Canadian House
South Shore (Prince County)

Campbell, Jas. - gen'l dealer

Springfield (Queens County)

Bell, Thos. - blacksmith
Bigger, Thos. - saw mill
Haslam, Benj. - saw mill
Stanfield Mills (Prince County)
Ives, Thos - saw and grist mills
Lord, John - saw and grist mills
Stanley Bridge (Queens County)
Dougal, Henry - blacksmith
Garrett, G.R. - gen'l dealer
McMillan, Alex. - gen'l dealer
McMillan and Brown - gen'l dealers
McNeil, ____ - physician
Squarebridge Bros. - gen Dealers
Sturgeon (Kings County)
Collings, J. - gen'l dealer
Fraser, Duncan - grist mills
Young, Matthew - saw mill
Young, R. - gen'l dealer
Summerside (Prince County)

Many Summerside listings include the street many of the businesses are on. They will be identified by a two digit code in the listing below, a cross reference will follow.
Auld, W. - grocer (Wa)
Baker, John T. - millinery (Ce)
Baker, Philip - grocer (Wa)
Beairsto, P. McN. - physician
Beairsto, Wm. & Son - comm merch, auct'r (Wa)
Beattie, Thos. - builder
Beck, Vere - marble works
Bethune, J. - tinsmith (Ce)
Bishop & Campbell - foundry (Wa)
Caldwell, James - trader
Calhoun, J.R. - planing & saw mills
Campbell, D. - hotel
Campbell, E. - book, &c
Campbell, R. - lime dealer
Campbell, Jas. - land surveyor (Wa) Clarke & Co. - photographers
Clarke & Roblee - dry goods (Wa)
Compton & Webber - furniture factory
Costin, John - blockmaker
Delaney, P. - watchmaker (Wa)
Dillon, Mrs. B. - saloon (Wa)
Doull, Mrs. A.F. - books & stationery (Wa)
Doull, G. & Son - cabinet Makers (Br)
Doyle, P.F. - builder (Ch)
Fanning, P.T. - shoemaker, finding store (Wa)
Farrow, Howard - produce (Ce)
Frizzle, Thos. - shoemaker (Wa)
Gaffney, J. - flour dealer
Gallagher, John - boarding (Wa)
Gillis, A. - tavern
Gillis, John F. - physician (Br)
Gillis, Mrs. E. - grocer (Wa)
Gorley, John A. - druggist (Wa)
Gorman, T.P. - Ed, Pro Summerside Progress (Ce)
Graves & Co. - props Summerside Journal (Ce)
Green, T.A. - saw & grist mils (Sp)
Hall, Thos. - machinist (Wa)
Harvey, C. - pro Bangor House (Ce)
Heckbeath, J. - boot & shoemaker
Holman, R.T. - gen'l dealer (Wa)
Houett, Mrs. J. - saloon (Wa)
Howe, W.H. - barrister (Wa)
Huestis, T.P. - pro West End Stream Fact.
Hunter, Geo. - tanner
Hunt, Rich'd - auctioneer (Ce)
Kane, Conrad - victualler (Wa)
Kinsman, Edmund - blacksmith (Wa)
Kelly, T. - barrister (Wa)
Kinney & Ruggles, auctioneers (Wa)
Lafferty, C. - hairdressers (Ce)
Lefurgey, J. - gen. dealer, shipowner
Larkins, Peter A. - shoemaker (Wa)
Linkletter, J.T. - grocer, boarding (Ce)
MacElvie, N. - mgr. Union Bank of S'Side(Br)
MacNutt, Geo.L. - grocer (Wa)
Mawley, E. - pro Clifton House (Wa)
Mawley, G.E. - variety (Wa)
McArthur, Jeremiah - shoemaker (Wa)
McCarril, John S. - tavern (Fi)
McDonald, A.C. - liquors
McDonald, C.E. - barber, billliards (Wa)
McDonald, D. - grocer & liquors (Wa)
McHale, J. - gen'l dealer (Wa)
McIntyre, Bert - blacksmith
McKenzie, Robt. - physician
McKenzie, John - merchant, tailor (Wa)
McLeod, R.G. - flour, produce (Wa)
McLeod & Sullivan - meat markey (Ce)
McNeil, J. - blacksmith
McMillan, Angus - shipbuilder
McNeil, John - grocer (Ce)
McNeil, S. - agt Merch. Bank of Hal.(St)
McSween, Angus - tailor (Ce)
NcVeigh, P. - grocer (Wa)
Milligan, Wm. - tavern (Wa)
Mills, H.C. - gen'l dealer
Montgomery, David - gen'l Dealer (Br)
Morris, Leonard - books, stationery (Wa)
Muirhead, Rob't. - gen'l dealer (Wa)
Munsey, S.N. - restaurant
Murphy, Bernard - shoemaker (Wa)
Murray, Mrs. H. - grocer & Baker
Murttart, George - pro Franklyn House (Ce)
Nicholson, Alex - blacksmith (Wa)
Noonan, D. - pro Dominion House (Wa)
O'Connor, Mrs. - grocer (Wa)
O'Keefe, Patrick - pro Renfrew House
Pentz, Wm.H. - watchmaker (Wa)
Ranahan, P. - shoemaker (Wa)
Reid, J.D. & Bros. - gen dlrs (Wa)
Robertson, Thos. - grocer (Wa)
Rogers, D. - gen'l dealer (Wa)
Sannders, Chas.B. - harness maker (Wa)
Schurman, D. - agt ag. impl. (Wa)
Schurman J. - grocer (Br)
Simpson, Theodore - baker (Wa)
Sinclair,Minto,&Stewart - gen dlr (Wa)
Sharp, Jas.A. - trader (Wa)
Starert, R.McC. - cashier, S'Side Bank (Wa)
Stentiford, John - confectioner (Wa)
Stewart, Mrs. - pro Centennial House (Wa)
Strong, F.W.&Co. - gen'l dealers (Wa)
Sutherland, J.T. - photographer (Ce)
Walsh, J. Milton - tinsmith (Wa)
Waugh, John R. - shoemaker (Ce)
Wright Bros. - gen'l dealers (Wa)

Summerville (Kings County)

Kelly, John - gen'l dealer

Tignish (Prince County)

Arsenault, J.J. - gen'l dealer
Chiasson, J.J. - gen'l dealer
Edmunds, Peter J. - hotel
Gallant, Capt. Frank - trader
Gandett, Hubert - blacksmith
Gourlie, J. - harness maker
Harper, John - saw mills
Haywood, Benjamin - grist mill
Haywood, W. - saw mills
Hubbard, E. - hotel
Myrick, P.R. - carriage builder
Lynch, J.H. - gen'l, fish dealer
McIntyre, Jos. - gen'l dealer
McPhee, M. - fish dealer
Perry, S.T. - grocer & P.O.
Read, Henry - blacksmith
Richards, Joseph E. - shoemaker
Weeks, S.G. - carriage builder
Welsh, John - blacksmith
Whalen, W. - tailor
Townsand's [Townsend's] Corner (Prince County)
Gay, Geo. - shoemaker
Heffell, Wm - blacksmith
Townsand, Arch'd - trader
Wade, Mrs. - gro & liquors
Tryon (Prince County)
Cameron, Jas. - carriage manuf'r
Crawford, R.H. - gen'l dealer
Leard, James - brick manuf'r
Reid, John D. - woolen mills
Tyne Valley (Prince County)

Forbes & Co. - gen'l dealers

Valleyfield (Kings County)

Bruce, A.F. - gen'l dealer
Gillis, Malcolm - gen'l dealer
Martin, A. - gen'l dealer
McPherson, Wm. - grist mill
Vernon River (Queens County)
Forbes, G. - gen'l dealer
Hayden, Jas. - gen'l dealer
Hayden, J.L. - shipowner
McKenzie, J.G. - gen'l dealer
Tweedy, Thos. - carriage manuf'r
Vernon River Bridge (Queens County)
Duncan, John - hotel
Fraser, E. - blacksmith
McDonald, Chas. - shipbuilder
Victoria (Queens County)
Howatt, G. - gen'l dealer
Palmer, D.W. - gen'l dealer
Palmer, Geo. - saw mill
Reynolds, R.C. - blacksmith
Webster Creek (Queens County)
Burdett, R. - gen'l dealer
Murphy, M. - trader
Wellington (Prince County)
Alchorne, Frederick - carpenter
Arseneaux, Eli E. - victualler
Arseneaux, John - blacksmith
Arseneaux, Joseph O. - saw mills
Barlow, John - saw mills
Burleigh, Wm. - pulling mills
Dickie, C. - gen'l dealer
Gallant, Frank - blacksmith
Gallant, H. - gen'l dealer
Gallant, Isadore - carpenter
Gallant, P. - gen'l dealer
Gallant, S. - gen'l dealer
Gallant, V. - gen'l dealer
Goodwin, J. - store & motel
McNally, Michael - blacksmith
Trudelle, U.C. - fish dealer
West Cape (Prince County)
Kinlay, W. - gen'l dealer
McWilliams, Alfred - grist mill
McWilliams, Amos - saw mills, ship builder
Ramsey, D.C. - gen'l dealer
West Point (Prince County)
Auld, John - gen'l dealer
McWilliams, Wm. - saw mill, gen'l dealer
West River (Queens County)
Burdett, Rich'd. - gen'l dealer
Farquharson, Donald - gen'l dealer, saw mill
Stewart Bros. - gen'l dealers
Wheatley River (Queens County)
McCallum & Co. - tanners
McKay & Co. - boots & shoes
McKinnon, John - harness maker
McMillan, A. - gen'l dealer
McMillan & Brown - gen'l dealers
Wiltshire (Queens County)
Murphy, Patrick - saw mill
Wood, Samuel - saw Mill
Winsloe Road (Queens County)

Wyatt & Burroughs - agt. agr. impliments

Woodbridge (Prince County)

Ramsay, A. & Co. - saw mills
Stewart, John - boot & shoemaker
Woodbrook (Prince County)
Callaghan, A. - gen'l dealer
Lillbridge, M.W. - gen'l dealer
Wood Island (Queens County)

Cornish, John & Co. - gen'l dealers

York (Queens County)

Cook & Vessey - lime dealers

This document, McAlpine's Directory, 1880 - 1881 may be seen at PARO, Accession No. 4064, Item No. 1

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics© 1997

Last Updated: 03/07/2003 2:06:42 PM

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